Customer Filters

I’ll take that one, and those, but not these, and… Whatcha got there, sport? Oh, I’m deciding which customers I want. And that one… You know you can’t keep them at home, right? Whatevs! That only happened one...

Emulate User

Engage Emulate User. *closes eyes and waits*… Go go Emulate User. *waits*… Initiate Emulate User Initiative. What in the hell are you doing? I’m trying to turn into that person over there because we just finished adding the ability to turn into other...

All New Lingo

Sometimes you have to get down with the new jive the kiddoes are saying these days. Get down with the new jive?’ Do you have any clue what you’re even talking about? Do you?! I plead the 5th. Introducing a few new terms that will be found in SecurityTrax...

ADT Central Station Card

We’re one step closer to pushing accounts to ADT with the addition of the ADT Central Station Card. Yup, and one step closer to feeding my belly. Come on, let’s go! You ate like 3 pounds of food 10 minutes ago. Yeah, and?… Check the video above...

User History Card

The User History Card displays a list of any changes the user has implemented on a customer, like monthly charges, equipment, terms, etc. What about their daily calorie intake? Will it display that? How do you even function on a day to day basis? I’m just saying...

Office Locations Admin

You gotta keep ’em separated! Whaa wha wha wha!  This is one instance where I actually agree with you. Office Locations provide a way to separate customers into different lists for users in those locations while allowing admins to see all customers. “Uno,...