SecurityTrax development is ongoing to provide you with the best product. We hope you are liking what you see!

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        The company calendar now has a new map feature. Select one or more users within one day and click on Generate Map to see their daily route. In the map view, you can highlight any user by clicking on that user’s route. You can also click the layers icon on the top right to select/deselect any user on this interactive map. Learn more…
        We have a few updates to the Accounting tools in SecurityTrax:

        First, we have a new look when sending quotes, invoices, statements, and similar items. This new look makes it easier to send to multiple email addresses. And newly added, you can now also toggle whether or not you want to send to the default customer email address or not.

        Secondly, we have added a toggle on the accounting settings in Global Settings that, when turned on, will automatically send a past due invoice every 7 days to your customer as reminders that there is an amount due.

        And finally, you can now add multiple alternative emails with a comma separated list to recurring invoices.
      • QUICK ADD
        Our Quick Add tool has been updated so you can now create a new Payable and Payment Method.
        A new Search By option for Interactive Service Provider (ISP) by Customer (ISP) ID is now available when searching for customers in the global search. Additionally, there are new filters on the Customer List that allow you to search by the interactive service provider as well as search by whether a customer is linked to an interactive service provider or not.
      • REPORTS
        Two new categories; Accounting and Work Orders are now available in reports to help you better organize.
      • TECH AT WORK
        While on Tech at Work, the Work Order section will now include the equipment price.
        We have fixed a couple of bugs with our payment processing feature. First, when a payment option is disabled in company settings, that option will no longer be available to your customers when they use the Pay Now link. Second, when viewing a processed payment, we will pull an update from the processor to get an updated status.
      • QUOTES
        We have fixed the bug that was causing quotes to have the Invoice name on the pdf.